High-level vs Low-level

In RubyMotion we're doing an interesting thing. We're compiling Ruby! We're using a high-level scripting language to do low-level things.

That's a part of the reason that the previous lesson might seem a little awkward. On the one hand you're here to do some good Rubying, but on the other you're using long-winded class-specific constants. The combination is truly strange:

layout.orientation = Android::Widget::LinearLayout::HORIZONTAL

Your Toolbox

It's lines of code like the above that inspire us Rubyists to search out and build a better way, a more Ruby-like way. As Android for RubyMotion matures, you can guarantee that tools will be created and you'd do well to be familiar with them and use the best of them.

In this set of lessons I will introduce you to a few useful tools for Android development. Not all of them make things more Ruby-like or were built with Ruby Motion in mind. You may think some are life-changing and never use others. Either way, I'll try to introduce you to some of the greats in the following lessons.

As I become aware of new tools I will add them here. If you have any suggestions for tools not featured here please contact me!